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ZHENG Xiyin, Ph.D., Professor.

Qualifications:PhD. (2003)  The Chinese University of Hong Kong.M.Sc. (1987)  Institute of Mathematics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. B.Sc. (1983) Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China.

Employment:1987-1991, Assistant Lecturer, Yunnan University, China.1991-1994, Lecturer, Yunnan University, China.1994-1996, Associate Professor, Yunnan University, China.1996-present, Professor, Yunnan University, China.2003.8-2004.2, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.2004.7-2005.5, Research Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Universiy.2005.5-2007.5, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Universiy.

Awards:The 3rd  prize of Young Teacher Prize of Huo Ying Dong (霍英东) Education Foundation, 1998.The 2nd  prize of Science and Technology Prize of Yunnan Province, China, 2002.The 1st  prize of Science and Technology Prize of Yunnan Province, China, 2008.The 2nd  prize of Science and Technology Prize of Yunnan Province, China, 2015.

Research Areas:Functional Analysis, Nonsmooth Analysis, Optimization Theory.

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