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2019-04-20    点击:[]


职    称:教授

系    所:统计系










2016/12-2018/8,美国密苏里大学, 统计系,访问学者;








1. Du Mingyue,Li Huiqiong, Sun Jianguo.(2021.5).Regression analysis of censored data with nonignorable missing covariates and application to Alzheimer Disease,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,157(107):1-15.

2. Li Huiqiong,Ma Chenchen, Li Ni, Sun Jianguo.(2020.1). A vine copula approach for regression analysis of bivariate current status data with informative censoring,Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 32(1):185-200.

3. Li Huiqiong, Zhang Han, Zhu Liang, Sun Jianguo.(2020.9) Estimation of the additive hazards model with interval-censored data and missing covariates,The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 48(3):499-517.

4.  Du Mingyue,Li Huiqiong*, Sun Jianguo. (2020.3). Additive hazards regression for case-cohort studies with interval-censored data,Statistics and Its Interface,13(1):181-191.

5. Li Huiqiong, Zhang Han, Sun Jianguo.(2019.4) Estimation of the additive hazards model with current status data in the presence of informative censoring.Statistics and Its Interface,12(2): 321–330.

6. Li Huiqiong, Tian Guoliang, Tang Niansheng, Cao Hongyuan(2018.11). Assessing non-inferiority for incomplete paired-data under non-ignorable missing mechanism,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2018, 127(11): 69-81.

7. Li Huiqiong, Tang Niansheng, Tian Guoliang, Cao Hongyuan(2018.1). Testing the equality of risk difference among multiple incomplete two-way contingency tables,Statistics and Its Interface, 2018, 11(2): 353-368.

8. Tian Guoliang,Li Huiqiong^*. A new framework of statistical inference based on the valid joint sampling distribution of the observed counts in an incomplete contingency table,Statistical methods in medical research, 2017, 26(4): 1712-1736.

9.  Li Huiqiong, Wu Liucang, Ma Ting.(2017.7)Variable selection in joint location, scale and skewness models based on the skew-normal distribution, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,2017, 30(3):694-709.

10. Li Huiqiong, Wu Liucang, Yi Jieyi. A skew-normal mixture of joint location, scale and skewness models,Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B .,2016, 31(3): 283-295.

11. Li Huiqiong, Tian Guoliang, Tang Niansheng. Testing hypothesis for a simple ordering in incomplete contingency tables,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2016, 99: 25-37.

12. Li Huiqiong, Tang Niansheng, Yi Jieyi. Confidence intervals construction for difference of two means with incomplete correlated data,BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2016, 16: 1-16.

13. Tang Niansheng,Li Huiqiong, Tang Manlai, Li Jie. Confidence interval construction for difference between two correlated proportions with missing observations,Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2016, 26: 323-338.

14. Li Huiqiong ,Wu Liucang. Joint modeling of location and scale parameters of the skew-normal distribution,Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2014, 29(3): 265-272.

15. Li Huiqiong ,Tang Manlai, Wong Wengkee. Confidence intervals for ratio of two Poisson rates using the method of variance estimates recovery,Computational Statistics, 2014, 29: 869-889.

16. Li Huiqiong ,Chan Ivan S. F., Tang Manlai, Tian Guoliang, Tang Niansheng. Confidence Interval Construction for Rate Ratio in Matched-pair Studies with Incomplete Data,Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2014, 24(3): 546-568.

17.  Tang Niansheng, Zhang Bo,Li Huiqiong. Homogeneity Test of Difference Between Two Correlated Proportions in Stratified Matched-Pair Studies,Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2013, 23(6): 1261-1280.

18. Wu Liucang,Li Huiqiong. Variable selection for joint mean and dispersion models of the inverse Gaussian distribution,Metrika, 2012, 75(6): 795-808.

19. Tang Manlai,Li Huiqiong*, Tang Niansheng. Confidence interval construction for proportion ratio in paired studies based on hybrid method,Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2012, 21(4): 361-378.

20. Li Huiqiongand Tang Niansheng(2011). Test of homogeneity for rate ratio in stratified matched-pair studies.Biometrical Journal53(4),614-627.

21. Li Huiqiong,Tang Manlai, PoonWY, Tang Niansheng(2011). Confidence intervals for difference between two Poisson rates.Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation40(7),1478-1493.

22. Tang Manlai,Li Huiqiong,Chan Ivan S.F., Tian Guoliang(2011).On Confidence Interval Construction for Establishing Equivalence of Two Binary-Outcome Treatments in Matched-Pair Studies in the Presence of Incomplete Data.Statistics in Bioscience3(2), 223-249.

23. Tang Niansheng,Li Huiqiong,Tang Manlai(2010).Confidence interval construction for relative risk in stratified matched-pair designs.Statistics in Medicine29(1), 46-62.

24. Wu Liucang andLi Huiqiong(2009.6). Summary Statistics for Measuring the relationship Among Three Types of Points in Multivariate Point Patterns.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53,2806-2812.

25. Li Huiqiong, Tang Niansheng and Wu Liucang(2008.12). Statistical analysis of non-inferiority via non-zero risk difference in stratified matched-pair studies.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,138,4055-4067.


1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,11561075,复杂数据下众数回归模型的变量选择及统计诊断研究,2016/01-2019/12,34万元,已结题,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11201412,生物医学研究中不完全分类数据的统计推断,2013/01-2015/12,23万元,已结题,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金天元基金项目,11026209,基于不完全配对数据的统计推断,2011/01-2011/12,3.2万元,已结题,主持;

4. 云南省自然科学基金重点项目,202001BB050049,缺失数据下带有区间删失数据的统计推断,2020/07/01-2023/06/30,50万元,在研,主持;

5. 云南省自然科学基金项目面上项目,2016FB006,缺失数据下高维数据的假设检验,2016/10-2019/09,10万元,已结题,主持;

6. 云南省自然科学基金项目面上项目,2011FB016,MOVER方法在不完全配对数据中的统计推断,2011/10-2014/09,5万元,已结题,主持;

7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 11731011,超高维数据统计推断,2018/01-2022/12, 250万元,在研,参加;

8. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,11661080,基于下一代测序的数量性状—罕见变异关联研究中大数据的统计推断,2017/01-2020/12,36万元,在研,参加;

9. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,10761011,拟似然非线性模型的理论及应用研究,2008/01-2010/12,21万元,已结题,参加。

10. 《应用回归分析》入选国家一流课程线下课程(排名第二);

11. 唐年胜,李会琼.应用回归分析.科学出版社,2014.1.(入选2013年云南省“十二五”规划教材);

12. 《应用统计专业案例库》获2021年云南省专业学位研究生教学案例库建设项目,2021/9-2023/9, 5万元,主持;

13. 《多元统计分析》获2021年度云南省研究生优质课程建设项目,2021/10-2023/10,10万元,主持;

14. 2018年11月入选“云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才”;

15. 2016年11月入选“云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才”;

16. 2013年9月入选“必赢唯一官方网站中青年骨干教师培养计划”和“云南省高校理学学科青年骨干教师”.


1. 《应用回归分析》教材入选首届全国优秀教材(高等教育类)二等奖(2/2);

2. 云南省教学成果一等奖(6/12);

3. 指导研究生论文获云南省优秀硕士论文;

4. 指导员工参加全国老员工市场调查与分析大赛荣获国家一等奖1项、国家二等奖1项、国家三等奖4项;

5. 指导研究生参加全国应用统计案例大赛荣获国家二等奖1项,国家三等奖2项;

6. 指导全国老员工数学建模大赛荣获二等奖2项,三等奖4项;

7. 指导研究生统计建模大赛荣获二等奖1项;

8. 论文《A comparison of methods for the construction of confidence interval for relative risk in stratified matched-pair designs》获2010年第十届全国统计科研优秀成果奖(论文类)二等奖(1/3).

9. 论文《Homogeneity test of rate ratio in stratified matched-pair studies》获2012年第十一届全国统计科研优秀成果奖(论文类)二等奖(1/3).

10. 课题《生物医学中的理论与方法研究》获得2011年云南省自然科学技术奖二等奖(4/5).

11. 课题《复杂数据的统计推断》获得2017年云南省自然科学技术奖二等奖(3/5).

12. 2020年8月,论文《不完全列联表中基于有效联合分布的统计推断》获云南省应用统计学学会第一届统计科学优秀研究成果奖(1/1).

13. 2020年11月,全国高校人工智能大数据区块链教育“教学创新奖”一等奖.






